Funny realization last night while sliding around on the Lotus dance floor to the tune of Andy Clockwork and Sarvair:
I doubt that dinosaurs stood around being self conscious.
Imagine ancient reptiles comparing themselves to their neighbours, agonizing over their fate. By all standard calculation and observation, they merely lived, with the time they were given. Some possibly made music. Whistling, chirping, clicking and communicating to the rhythm of their heartbeats. Some dinosaurs used to sing, or at least that's what I've read. Some archeologists hypothesize upon close inspection of their bones they had quite the capacity for singing. *Insert giant shit eating grin.* ...Singin' bones and skin flutes, where do we come up with this stuff?
We're here to live. There is no form or mold dictating how our lives might manifest. What life we lead is our own. We each have to make it up according to our own understanding of it. There is no guide nor book. No point in comparing. Judging our lives according to others; there is no way of knowing all the facts and figures that go into making this existence.
We live. We die. It seems like a waste of energy feeling inadequate, living in self doubt. Be amazing. Get into the flow that is life. Enjoy the magnificent rhythm of it, while you got it. This rhythm is as ancient as sunset and sunrise.
We creatures all adopt or adapt to some kind of rhythm, rime or reason... we live like the transformation and changes of the season. Amidst that rhythm why not dance with the time we've been given? Must we waste so much energy living violently? Vexing our spirits with the vane or inane?
We are here now, and one day we won't be. ~i.b.
(Dragon was digitally composed while listening to some mash up of electronic music by Sarvair & Dakar.)
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