Monday, August 10, 2009

Conscious music

This is just a quick shout out to Arrested Development for their commitment to making conscious music and to all 'conscious music makers' (in whatever form that might manifest) world wide. You rock, rattle, shake and make the world go round with your beautiful intentions.

I'll be writing about this more extensively in the near future, as I am currently in the midst of much musical contemplation. Before anymore time elapses - I just want to say thank you to Speech and the group Arrested Development.

They blew me away, at a recent workshop on The Power of the Spoken Word and Keeping Urban Music Real. These old school hip hop artists spoke to some issues I've been eager to hear artist's say about the power of music and creativity to inspire, move and transform community. The A.D. Crew and Speech moved me to tears as they shared their journey through the hip hop music landscape and their vision for social change. They spoke of the power struggles, hunger, need and thirst within communities in turmoil for creative outlets and all I could do was nod and agree. Everything in my being was nodding in agreement. Hearing their stories and relationship to movement making and inspiring social thought and exchange...I realized I'd been waiting all my life to hear hip hop artists speak like this.

It was such a blessing meeting them all. I'll be writing more about some of the stories and performances they shared here in BC shortly. I just wanted to send some gratitude out into the universe for that little bit of magic, energy and inspiration.

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