Friday, June 08, 2007

Heron’s By The Sea

Beaks bobbing with curiosity

Step lightly, look lively…
Eyes wide, confidence in stride.

One with the waves and the wonder

Peaking earnestly ahead with each step

There are two doing this delicate dance

Waves tuned to their melody

to gently crash amidst their ankles
to flotsam and jetsam
to wind and wings

Iddly moves closer to get a better look
Hesitantly stepping towards a better vantage point

Yuly freezes, eyes wide with uncertainty and fear,
Before taking lightly to the gentle air

Otter’s cheer on their skiddish love affair
The coupling of curiosity and fear, its seems not fair

The distance of expanse and retract
There are two that are doing this delicate dance

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